What type of courses and programmes do ASEPROCE’s companies offer?
Educational trips abroad, especially for language learning, through a wide variety of effective programmes, such as:
Educational trips abroad, especially for language learning, through a wide variety of effective programmes, such as:
Travelling as part of groups led by supervisors, young students stay with families or in halls of residence and have the opportunity to combine their studies with sporting, cultural and leisure activities.
Programmes of this type are tailored to the specific needs of the people signing up for them, and vary in terms of length, language proficiency, course intensity, etc.
Aimed at youngsters aged between 12 and 18, the AYA allows them to study the equivalent of a Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) or Bachillerato (A Level/High School Diploma) school year. Studies can be fully validated in Spain and guarantee complete command of the foreign language in question. Children also have the possibility of studying for six months or a single term.
These programmes are offered at prestigious universities around the world.
These include intensive classes and presentation for examinations.
Aimed at anyone looking to combine language immersion with a job.
For children aged five and upwards. Language learning combined with a wide range of activities.
Students take a foreign language course and play a sport or pursue a hobby, such as scuba diving, cooking, cinema, dance or golf.
Courses designed specifically for older people and responding to their varying motivations and circumstances.
Designed so that parents and their children can take a holiday in another country and learn or brush up on their language skills. Apartment rentals are offered along with a broad range of classes adapted to the ages and needs of family members.
A full immersion programme, with the student living with and being taught by the teacher in their home.